The Center Spotlight

Entrepreneur profiles, resources, and thought leadership from some of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet

Faces of Entrepreneurship: Shilla Kim-Parker, CEO & Co-Founder of Thrilling

2020-09-02T12:22:23-07:00 September 2nd, 2020|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Sales and Business Expansion|

Shilla Kim-Parker, whose mission is to make second-hand shopping more modern, accessible and popular with the average consumer, is the CEO and co-founder of Thrilling. With a diverse background in [...]

Cash Flow Management for Female Founders with Analisa DeHaro – Partner, Strategy KPMG

2020-08-18T15:07:32-07:00 August 18th, 2020|Business Planning/Strategy, Financing Your Business, Operations|

Last week the Center hosted an incredibly insightful learn-in with Analisa DeHaro, Partner in Strategy at KPMG. Intended for female founders and hosted by our Executive Director, Nicola Corzine, the [...]

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