Faces of Entrepreneurship: Brent (Spice) Spicer, Co-founder and Executive Director, Marsello

2019-05-02T17:47:07-07:00 April 25th, 2019|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Brent (Spice) Spicer is co-founder and Executive Director of Marsello, a small retailers virtual marketing assistant. Maresllo takes customer data, understands what marketing works, and builds marketing campaigns on behalf of the [...]

Meet the Entrepreneurs In Our 2019 Spring Milestone Makers Cohort

2019-06-14T09:57:59-07:00 March 29th, 2019|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion, Support/Mentor Networks|

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center is thrilled to have the following entrepreneurs in its Milestone Maker accelerator program. The Milestone Maker program is the Nasdaq Center's flagship program, providing individualized mentorship [...]

Faces of Entrepreneurship: Ashley Wu, Founder of Maison

2019-03-28T14:48:47-07:00 March 24th, 2019|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

What does “entrepreneurship” mean to you? AW: To me entrepreneurship means you’re in charge. I have wonderfully supportive friends and family, my husband has been a dream, and my staff [...]

Center Advisory Board Members Pay It Forward to Entrepreneurs Everywhere

2019-03-21T13:04:22-07:00 March 1st, 2019|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center ‘Pays It Forward’ with exclusive advice for founders and startups from experts and leaders of its Center Advisory Board (CAB). These leaders are shifting the conversation [...]

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