Faces of Entrepreneurship: Thomas McLeod, Founder & CEO of Omni

2018-05-08T20:14:47-07:00 May 8th, 2018|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Thomas McLeod is Founder and CEO of Omni, the on-demand personal storage concierge based in San Francisco. The startup was inspired after a year spent dealing with the friction of [...]

Faces of Entrepreneurship: Talia Goldstein, Founder Of Three Day Rule

2018-05-02T09:41:24-07:00 April 30th, 2018|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Talia Goldstein is the CEO and Founder of Three Day Rule— a company that has successfully scaled a unique human-touch approach to the evergreen pain-point of dating and matchmaking. Goldstein [...]

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