Meet the Entrepreneurs In Our Summer 2022 Milestone Makers Cohort

2022-07-06T10:13:32-07:00 June 17th, 2022|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion, Support/Mentor Networks|

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center is thrilled to have the following entrepreneurs in its Summer 2022 Milestone Makers cohort, all working towards the UN’s Responsible Consumption and Production (#12), Industry, Innovation, [...]

Pioneering report identifies emergent themes among stakeholders addressing the lack of racial equity in venture funding

2022-06-06T11:50:30-07:00 June 6th, 2022|Inclusive Entrepreneurship|

Over three months in 2021, Black entrepreneurs, capital allocators, community organizers, and researchers from the US and UK worked with the Transition Design Institute (TDI) at Carnegie Mellon University to [...]

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