Faces of Entrepreneurship: Bouchra Ezzahraoui & Sophie Kahn of AUrate

2018-06-25T11:43:02-07:00 June 5th, 2018|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Bouchra Ezzahraoui and friend Sophie Kahn saw an opportunity in the jewelry space for affordable fine jewelry, which led them to launch AUrate — a direct-to-consumer fine jewelry brand, offering ethically-sourced and luxurious diamonds, gold and [...]

Faces of Entrepreneurship: Alok Tayi, CEO & Co-Founder of Tetrascience

2018-06-12T23:34:44-07:00 May 29th, 2018|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Alok Tayi is the CEO & Founder of Boston-based startup, Tetrascience, an 'Internet of Things' company that's modernizing research by bringing cloud software to the laboratory. Tayi took a moment to talk entrepreneurship [...]

Faces of Entrepreneurship: Christopher Hussain, Founder & CEO of RealKey

2018-06-25T11:45:34-07:00 May 22nd, 2018|Business Planning/Strategy, Developing a Product/Service, Financing Your Business, Growing Your Team, Resources, Sales and Business Expansion|

Christopher Hussain is the CEO & Founder of San Francisco-based startup, RealKey,  a centralized mortgage and real estate automation software today after two years of preparation, it accelerates loan processing and drastically [...]

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