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Story GOLD for San Francisco Small Business: Captivate Your Audience Into Action with Maria Tranquilli

Telling your stories in the quickest way to build instant emotional connection, and connection inspires action. Without connection and without action we will not have a sustainable, long term business, movement or idea. So, if you want to make a change in the world? You need to tell stories. In this workshop, connection expert Maria Tranquilli will show you the exact steps to master the forms of story that will help you captivate your audience into action, activate your greatest potential as an entrepreneur, and design the life you are truly here to live.

You will master:

• the 1 thing you MUST know to tell captivating stories
• the art of telling the exact story your client needs to hear to move into emotion AND action.
• 5 steps to know your audience and create ads with massive engagement that lead to repeat sales.
• bonus: 5 part Core Story Structure template to use while networking, online, or on stage. 

As humans we are wired for connection, and by connecting with stories you will not just be noticed, you become unforgettable. Unforgettable storytelling is the foundation of sustainable small business. $350 Billion in advertising spend is shifting away from INTERRUPTIVE ADVERTISING to STORYTELLING – so let’s get you telling stories now!


Maria Tranquilli

Maria is a social entrepreneur with over 15 years experience driving global educational programing in the trenches of multi-million dollar startups. She bridges emotional intelligence, social impact and human-centered design to your modern business, whether online or brick-and-mortar. 

Consulting solopreneurs and select companies around the globe, Maria supports innovative entrepreneurs who are driven and ready for high audience connection, more qualified leads and increased sales.

As an international speaker, she has graced stages from Princeton to O’Reily Media to World Maker Faire to Sonoma State to Bangkok; with audiences of 10,000+ in attendance – as a Master Trainer & Master Instructor and thought-leader in the EdTech & Business space. 

Maria is also a 6-year resident of a Buddhist Monastery, studying in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition, located in San Francisco. She regularly teaches meditation and mindfulness classes & workshops to students and clients internationally, in-person and online.

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